New Beginnings

A new year brings a new beginning, 

new adventures to find you. 

The one who will be my knight in shinning armor,

the one who will guide me through the questioning new days. 

And the one who won’t leave when the year ends, 

who will stay until the fireworks show every year after. 

A new year brings new opportunity, 

and new hope to find the road,

that leads to you. 


Happy New Year everyone🎉! Hope you guys have a great fresh start and I really hope you like this. πŸ™‚

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53 thoughts on “New Beginnings

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  1. New ideas, great fresh cradles cracked and wisdom at bay. And to have a refreshing, a new beginning creates missed virtues as a lesson to acquire them.

    Happy new year and we all hope for the greatest Virtues of Mind and soul put to writing.

    Happy new year once again.

    Liked by 1 person

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