Creative Communication

So there’s this other poetry/essay contest called Creative Communication which is pretty cool cuz you could win cash prizes for both you and your teacher if you get into the top ten. Of course, I entered my poetry into the Spring 2016 edition in hopes of finally getting published and making it to the top ten. And here’s the e-mail they sent me:

Your poem has been accepted for publication. You now need to give permission in order for us to be able to publish your work in our national anthology.”

I was so happy cuz this was the first contest that had finally accepted me and I gladly gave permission to be published. I also wanted an anthology but I was kinda disappointed when I had to pay $27.95. I had originally misread the prizes and thought that a published author would get a free copy of the book. However, only the top ten get a free anthology.

But who knows, this may be the start of something big. Again, I hope you enter your poetry into this contest and comment if you have any questions/concerns/or if you tried entering Creative Communication.

Contest Link

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2 thoughts on “Creative Communication

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  1. Congratulations!! 🙂 Even if you had to pay for this anthology, you’re right: it’s the start of something. I’m too old to enter this contest, but it sounds like a really cool opportunity. Congrats again, and best of luck in the future!


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